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Please note that completion of this evaluation form is required to receive credits.

Please complete the evaluation by answering all questions.
This is required to receive your CEUs/Contact Hours. If you do not have an NABP e-Profile ID or are from outside of the United States, please enter N/A.
Were these learning objectives achieved?
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Demonstrate proper donning and doffing of personal protective equipment; non-hazardous and hazardous
Demonstrate how to manage a workstation, its equipment and chemical inventory
Demonstrate how to properly sanitize a workstation in a non-hazardous and hazardous drug environment
Demonstrate how to properly manage and dispose of waste; non-hazardous and hazardous
Demonstrate how to clean and disinfect an analytical balance
Demonstrate how to verify the internal calibration of an analytical balance
Record data in standard operating procedure logs
Demonstrate the use of electromechanical equipment, and reusable and disposable devices
Perform a broad range of non-sterile compounding techniques
Prepare a number of non-sterile compounded medications
Determine the beyond-use date for non-sterile compounded medications
Select appropriate dispensing containers for finished non-sterile dosage forms
Complete formulation records for finished non-sterile dosage forms
Analyze finished dosage forms by assessing organoleptic properties and performing weight variance testing
Were these learning objectives achieved?
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Demonstrate proper donning and doffing of personal protective equipment; non-hazardous and hazardous
Demonstrate how to manage a workstation, its equipment and chemical inventory
Demonstrate how to properly sanitize a workstation in a non-hazardous and hazardous drug environment
Demonstrate how to properly manage and dispose of waste; non-hazardous and hazardous
Demonstrate how to clean and disinfect an analytical balance
Demonstrate how to verify the internal calibration of an analytical balance
Record data in standard operating procedure logs
Demonstrate the use of electromechanical equipment, and reusable and disposable devices
Perform a broad range of non-sterile compounding techniques
Prepare a number of non-sterile compounded medications
Determine the beyond-use date for non-sterile compounded medications
Select appropriate dispensing containers for finished non-sterile dosage forms
Complete formulation records for finished non-sterile dosage forms
Analyze finished dosage forms by assessing organoleptic properties and performing weight variance testing